We read a lot! And we like sharing our knowledge with you in our trainings.

A reader yourself? Be inspired by our biblio!



the INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE MODEL by Dr. Darla K. Deardorff (SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence, 2009); a most comprehensive and integrated approach to intercultural competence development.

WATSON, Peter (2000), A Terrible Beauty, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 885p. A recommended study on people and ideas that imprinted the 20th century thinking (western canon), on the treshold of the 21st century. Inspired by W.B.Yeats ‘All changed, changed utterly. A terrible beauty is born’.

VAN MARREWIJK, A. (2010), European Developments in Business Antropology, International Journal of Business Antropology.
The anthropological perspective on organizations focuses on the unraveling of cultural processes by studying everyday life in organizations. These everyday practices show the paradoxes, ambiguities, and frictions in the organizational culture. In such a cultural approach, respondents play an important role. Download:

NESBITT, Richard E., The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently (ISBN 978-1857883282).
BRAUDEL, Fernand: considered one of the greatest of the modern historians who have emphasized the role of large-scale socioeconomic factors and is considered as one of the precursors of World Systems Theory.

SUN TZU, The Art of War (ISBN 9021532123) (ISBN 978-90-417-20245) (Libero bv: 978-90-8998-002-1).

DIAMOND, Jared (1999), Guns, Germs and Steel. The fates of human societies. W.W. Norton & Company, 494p. Historical description of a variety of advantages and privileges passed on through many generations via group membership and geographical location.

DE BOTTON, Alain (2009), The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, Hamsh Hamilton, London, 351p. (Recomended reading to sharpen your observation skills).

MAALOUF, Amin (2009), Le dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s’épuisent Grasset, Paris. Amin Maalouf’s work, and especially this book, is tagged with a personal cultural imperative: “When one has lived in Lebanon, the first religion which one has is the religion of coexistence.”

KISSINGER, H.(2011), Henry Kissinger On China, Allen Lane, London, 586p. ISBN 978-1-846-14346-5. (Kissinger describes the essence of China’s approach to diplomacy, negotiation, strategy and the remarkable ways in which Communist-era decision makers have drawn on methods honed over millenia. Jiang Zemin, the first Chinese statesman to master English language told Kissinger in 1991: ‘We never submit to pressure. This is very important. It is a philosophical principle’ (p. 463).

DE COUTERE, Bert (2010), Homo Competens. Let’s talk about competent people in the network age. (Opening the black box of ‘competence’ for those who want to keep growing and becoming better in what they do). Link to Bert De Coutere on the internet.

CHUA, Amy (2007), Day of Empire. How hyperpowers rise to global dominance – and why they fail, The Doubleday Publishing Group, NY, 461p. The controversial ‘Tiger Mom Lady’ Amy Chua argues how (opportunistic, relative) tolerance benefits an empire and how intolerance comes with a cost. She offers examples from the Achaemenid Persian Empire founded in 550 B.C., Tang China, the Moghols, the Dutch to the British Empire in its Victorian heyday. Always in the back of her mind are the drama of America and her own Chinese (superior) excellence.

PATTANAIKI Devdutt, East vs. West – the myths that mystify. TED Conference 2009. As the Chief Belief Officer at Future Group in Mumbai, he helps managers harness the power of myth to understand their employees, their companies and their customers.

DEARDORFF, Darla K.(2009), Intercultural Competence Framework Model, SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Download:

Textbooks on Intercultural Management and Intercultural Communication theory from Edward T.HALL, Stella TING TOOMEY, Harry TRIANDIS, GUDYKUNST…. and: HOFSTEDE, G. (2001) ’Culture‘s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations’‘ (Sage Publications, UK).

HOUSE, R.J., e.a. Culture, Leadership And Organizations, SAGE – ISBN 0761924019 (GLOBE study, ‘Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness’).

ADLER, Nancy J. (2008) International Dimensions Of Organizational Behavior, 5th edition, (ISBN-13:978-0-324-36075-2).

TROMPENAARS, Fons, WOOLLIAMS Peter (2003), Business Across Cultures, Capstone (Wiley) (ISBN 1-84112-474-5).

SCHNEIDER, Susan C., BARSOUX Jean-Louis, Managing Across Cultures, Prentice Hall (Pearson) (ISBN 978-0-273-64663-1).



Studying Abroad: full training package for indivudals or groups:
How to say hello, goodbye and welcome in 325 languages:
Country Profiles (Centre for Intercultural Learning, Canada):
Lots of articles about cultural issues:
Geert Hofstede’s website with countries scores against his dimensions:
Psychology & intercultural readings, all for free:
Educational materials, University of Yvaskyla, Finland:
YOU TUBE, e.g. on Time perception:

Country comparison tool to compare living conditions:
CIA World Factbook:
General country information:
Internet country extentions:
A quite useful database of intercultural films, University of Hildesheim:
A collection of national stereotype maps by Yanko Tsvetkov, graphic designer and visual artist – known as alphadesigner:
World Clock Meeting Planner. Need to make a call to someone far away or arrange a web or video conference across different time zones? Find the best time across time zones with this Meeting Planner.
Time Line of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art (NY)


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